Saturday, 9 August 2014

Is people's willingness to limit their personal interests important for a community to be successful?

A successful community is buttressed by collaboration. Collaboration can only achieved if the community's members conciliate their personal interests with those of their neighbours, team mates, classmates, family and friends. We can see that such conciliation and collaboration is important because it unites everyone in the community to achieve a common goal. The African-American society was able to gain the rights it deserved because most African-Americans compromised their personal interest to win the Civil Rights movement.

The African-American society was deeply neglected and disenfranchised for much of the twentieth century, but in the 1950 and 1960s, the whole community united to win their rights as citizens of America. But in order to gain this rights, families had to take considerable risk. People who joined the civil rights movement not only faced possible unemployment and financial instability, but also violence and torture. Groups like the Ku-Klux-Klan and Black Legion constantly threatened activists and the leaders of the movement that they would be lynched if they carried on. For example, Malcolm X's and his family had to relocate while he was young because his father was an outspoken baptist lay speaker. But because the activists pushed aside their interests and carried on their work, eventually, the civil rights movement was successful gained them their rights.

J.K Rowling is very effective at showing how important it is sometimes time to make a community successful by limiting one's personal interests. For example, when people first learnt that Voldemort was extant, people cared more about their safety and those of their family safety than supporting the Ministry of Magic and uniting together enfeeble Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But the bravery of the Order of the Order of Phoenix, who limited their personal interest, convinced everyone that to join the offensive against topple Voldemort and the Death Eaters. So only when people limited their personal interest could they really secured their interests (that was their safety). Hence, we can see that by becoming less selfish and by willing to unite to preserve a thriving community can it become really successful.

Even though this example is derived from fiction, it is truly the personification of a successful community. This is because a community can only be successful if its constituents are willing to compromise their personal interest to secure their communities' well being and success. But, you may ask, what about people personal interests. That is surely important - we cannot expect people to sacrifice their personal interest for other people's well beings. Well, we can clearly see that by achieving a successful and stable community, the wizards and witches in Harry Potter (the book, not the character) did achieve their personal interest - that was their personal security because they inherited stable environment in which they did not face threats such as Voldemort by the end of the last book.

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