Saturday 4 January 2014

Which has stronger effect on one's life: one's circumstances or one's beliefs.

Undoubtedly, beliefs have a stronger and greater effect than one's circumstances. Circumstances are more supple than beliefs; one is able to shape their circumstances by believing, but circumstances do not change one's belief. Humans make choices based upon what they believe. That is why I argue that believing has a greater effect on our life than the circumstances we find ourselves in. My thesis can be proved by looking into how successful people have attained their accomplishment. Evidence of my thesis exist in religion and in the lives of successful people.

When we look at the story of the Exodus, we can see a shining example of when believe triumphs over circumstances. The old testament describes how the Hebrews were led out of Egypt by Moses, a Prophet was sent by God to bring revelations to his people. The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt, and they labored day and night under the rich Egyptians. They lacked much of the basic necessities of life. However, the Hebrews did not despair and believed that if they were dutiful to God, God would send help. They followed their beliefs, and they were rewarded. We can see from this story that beliefs have a greater impact than the circumstances.

Groups of people aren't the only one to triumph because of their beliefs, individuals can too. Steve Jobs, who is said to be the quintessential of all entrepreneurs, believed that he was special since childhood. His belief led to him founding and building three of the greatest companies that the corporate world has seen. However, his circumstances were not great: his parents were blue-collar workers and could not afford to send Steve to University. So yet again, we see that one's belief can lead one to succeed. Circumstances cannot impede a person from attaining what he or she wants as long as the person believes in himself or herself.

Henry Ford said 'If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are probably right.' I agree with Ford's saying because our beliefs define what choices we make and so has more effect on our lives than our circumstances. We, humans, have evolved to adapt to our circumstances, so our beliefs are what matter. In my point of view, when we change our beliefs, we change the circumstance we are in.


  1. At the beginning of The second paragraph must be "An example" or "A example" ? and why?

    1. You know what, that's quite clunky and awkward writing from me. I do apologise. Your criticisms are noted. Will make sure to check my grammar next time.
